Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Testing the Ice.

I don’t know why I bother reading the forums or news sites about Eve.  What is it about gamers that make them not take responsibility for their choices?  I took part in the battle at HED-GP on January 17th, 2014.  I knew what I was getting into before the fight began.  I knew there would be severe time dilation.  I knew that my modules would take forever to activate.  I knew that it might take hours for me to get into system.  I knew all these things based upon the much smaller fights I have participated in on unreinforced nodes.   

You know what else I know?  If you go jumping on the lake ice in the late spring, you are going to get wet.

CCP put their best equipment to the task of keeping this fight going and it did the job.  The game did not crash.  Unfortunately when team RUS/CFC came in, they did so in a manner that was like jumping on the ice.  Some found the thick parts, and others fell through. Whose fault is that?  CCP’s?  Or was it the people who knew the numbers.  Who knew from experience what the servers could handle.  Who instead of moving slowly on to the ice sheet instead decided to gamble on either their tactic working or crashing the system?

Guess what boys?  You lost because of your own choices.  CCP provided the area for the contest and it survived the day.  They did their part.  They even fixed an error they did make by remapping a system that had been put on the same node as HED-GP.  If CCP made one mistake that day, surely it was that, and they resolved it!

Mistakes were made.
Own yours.
Learn from them. 
Do better.

Mabrick has a post on CCP’s response to the situation in HED-GP. Check it out if you haven't already.

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