Friday, January 31, 2014

False Sense of High Security

Are you in the habit of carrying thousands of dollars in your wallet?  Do you regularly carry gold bricks in your pants? Why would you do the equivalent action by carrying very valuable items in a tin can of a hauler?

For some players Eve is problematic.  In other games they have there are rules hardcoded into the game that prevent other players from directly attacking their avatar.  These games then add gateways to allow for such behavior to occur.  In World of Warcraft there is the battleground system, the dueling system, and the “You don’t belong here!” system of entering an opposing factions capital.  There are also PvP servers that do away with the majority of the “safe guards” to allow whatever mayhem you want to occur.  Eve is a bit like the latter but with a twist.

We as people living in society have a false sense of security.  When I walk out my door everyday I expect that I will be able to get in my car, go to work, teach, and then come home without incident or altercation.  High security space in Eve is like this as well.  But just like in real life, other people can harm you in Eve if they choose to. There is nothing to stop someone from mugging me when I leave my house other than the consequences of the altercation and the law.  If I shoot some in high security space there is a consequence as well.  I’m going to lose standings and the ship that I am sitting in.  My buddy can then scoop up the wreck loot and we can be on our way and by the providence of the loot fairy be all the rich, but there is still a consequence.

Try using the same common sense that you would use in real life in Eve.  Some parts of high sec are the bad part of town.  If you have to travel there or through there, plan accordingly.  If you still want to carry gold bricks in your pants, where are you located again?

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